Minggu, 07 November 2010

The Key to Raising Righteous and Successful Children

Islam teaches use different ways to get success. One best way is to learn Islamic knowledge based on the Qur'an and the Sunnah. We need to spend time, money, efforts, emotions and patience to learn authentic knowledge of Islam not only for our own success but also to be able to share it to others, especially to our children. The most important and lasting gift or inheritance that we can give to our children is knowledge of Islam. It is a must that we should educate our children with Islamic knowledge, becauce the parents have duty to their success and failure.
We learn further that in Islam for every Muslim it is a blessing from Allah I if he has parents who are old as it gives him the opportunity to serve them and thus earns Allah’s pleasure. He will receive success, especially the supreme success in Paradise if he follows Allah’s commandment to be dutiful to his parents. This means that if we can raise our children, teach them knowledge of Islam or give them proper Islamic education by sending them to Islamic schools, we will be expecting them to take care of us especially during our old age ¾ the time when we will be needing them most. They will to take care of us when we are weak and old as important members of their families and not to let us just stay in other’s houses or at any home of the aged. Most of all, they will include us in their daily prayers, which is the best thing that they can give us. If we raise them to be righteous and they pray for our salvation then we attain ultimate success in the Life-Hereafter.
Indeed, Allah is Most Gracious, Most Merciful. He has opened for us various ways and means to learn Islam. It is for us Muslims to learn authentic knowledge of Islam so that we please Allah the Almighty. It is only by knowing Islam that we know our Creator ¾ how we can worship Him to the best we can and therefore attain His rewards and be successful in the eternal world to come. Islam teaches us to be accountable to our respective children. The best way is for us to share our authentic knowledge of Islam to them. If we can not do this, then it is our responsibility to send them to Islamic quality schools where they will learn to be righteous and thus attain success. Let us remember that their success means our ultimate success too.

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